
now now now, also rss

i spent a bit of time pottering around this site. it’s still a work in progress but it’s starting to feel a little bit more lived in

i added a now section to my homepage. i found out about the now page thing from browsing around people’s sites after the cohost shutdown (rip, and also i haven’t collected my thoughts about that yet). compared to an about section, i like how it’s ephemeral and focused on things i’m doing which i’ve always found easier to define than who i am. it’s also nice to have a little space to talk about what i’m doing without feeling like i have to show and tell some kind of achievement

i’ve also now got two rss feeds. if you’re reading this, you’re on the “everything” feed, but if you want to read less you can subscribe to the other feed, which contains only featured posts. the main purpose is less that i want to elevate certain posts to stardom and more that i want to lower expectations for this feed